Friday, November 27, 2015


It's a day late, but I thought I'd post about some of the things that I'm thankful for. I've really been blessed and writing down things you're grateful for is a sure way to be astounded by how blessed you really are.

Wednesday morning, breakfast at Kneaders with some of my favorite people

I'm grateful for families.
I'm grateful for the gospel.
I'm grateful for music.
I'm grateful for LDSBC. 
I'm grateful for siblings who are my best friends.
I'm grateful for parents who give the best advice.
I'm grateful for the actual best roommate ever.
I'm grateful for Mr. Martineau, who is still the best teacher I've ever had.
I'm grateful for Charles Dickens and Leo Tolstoy and P.G. Wodehouse.
I'm grateful for books in general.
I'm grateful for people who go out of their way to be kind.
I'm grateful for friendships that have stood the test of time.
I'm grateful for friends who text you just to tell you that they love and appreciate you.
I'm grateful for late night adventures.
I'm grateful for protein bars and peanut butter.
I'm grateful for joggers.
I'm grateful for my enormous extended family.
I'm grateful for those who made modern medicine possible.
I'm grateful for missionary emails.
I'm grateful for hugs.
I'm grateful for nature.
I'm grateful for a mom who taught me to appreciate great art.
I'm grateful for puns. 
I'm grateful for home teachers and visiting teachers.
I'm grateful for amazon prime.
I'm grateful for Jane Austen and Jane Austen movies.
I'm grateful for Star Wars.

This list could go on forever but I'm really just so grateful that I live in a world with so much goodness and that I have access to so much of it. What are you grateful for?

Until next time,


Song of the Day: Laws of Gravity, by Rubik

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